Flott sett með fullt af efni áhöldum og töng / vice
Dugar vel öllum þeim sem eru að byrja, efni fyrir fullt af flugum,
Enough materials for 1000’s of flies…
This new kit addresses both the traditional and newer trends in fly
tying with a plethora of materials, there is enough in this kit to
satisfy the keen beginner and established tyer alike.
New for 2016/17, now includes the No.12 Lever Vice. It is ideal for
any level of experience, in all areas of the craft. There is a heavy
emphasis on new materials such as Glister, Cactus & Krystal. The
hooks supplied cover a variety of types of prime quality.
There is a basic set of tools.
Efni sem fylgir
- 1 Mixed Marabou
- 1 Block Plasterzote
- 1 Mixed Glister Sparkle
- 1 Mixed Ice Yarn
- 1 Mixed Hares Ears
- 2 Seal Fur Subs
- 1 White Suspender Balls
- 1 Peacock Herl
- 2 Spike Guard Dubbing
- 1 Grey Duck & Hen Pheasant Quills
- 1 Mixed Cock Pheasant Tails
- 1 Grey & Dyed Black Squirrel Tails
- 1 Rainbow Beads
- 1 Assorted Gold & Silver Beads
- 1 Damsel Eyes
- 1 Natural grey CDC
- 1 Cactus Chenille
- 1x ½ each Cock Cape Natural Red & Dyed Black
- 1 Super Stretch Floss 2 Colours
- 1 Crystal Flash
- 1 Deer Hair
- 2 Magic Glass Nymph Body Material
- 1 Golden Pheasant Tippet Feathers
- 1 Assorted Colours Holographic Tinsel
- 1 Bottle Cellire Varnish
- 1 Assorted Hooks
- 1 Partridge Grey Neck Hackle
- 1 Suede Chenille 2 Colours
- 2 Spools 6/0 Uni-Tying Thread Black & Olive
- 1 Spool Uni-2-Tone Gold & Silver Mylar Tinsel
- 1 Spool Lead Wire
- 2 Spools Glo-Brite Floss
- 2 Spools Glo-Brite Multi Yarn
- 1 Spool Pearl Mylar Tinsel
- 1 Basic Booklet „Fly Tying For The Beginner Trout”
Tools Included in Veniard Premium Fly Tying Kit:
- 1 Veniard No.12 Lever Vice
- 1 Bullet Bobbin Holder
- 1 Pair of Scissors
- 1 Whip Finish Tool
- 1 Dubbing needle
- 1 Hackle Plier